A Better Minesweeper
Ruckus Buck's: Dangerous Mines
Most everyone has played Minesweeper, at some
point. Now, be the first to take on Dangerous Mines an all new
version of Minesweeper
For Windows, Mac OS X and Xbox
Live Arcade

3 game modes:
- Classic:
Building off the original
Minesweeper' appeal, we
made this version more exciting with
Play it now, to find out how
Free Edge:
An all-new way to play. Forget that random clicking, no more
guessing along the edges. Unlike the outdated version that
came with your computer, all our mines are away from the edge.
With Dangerous Mines, skill
is the heart of this game, not just luck.
How about a minesweeper that doesn't end when you
hit a mine? Race against time, as you play level after level
trying to out run the clock! Have a Blast!
